Ten Most Beautiful Red Headed Actresses

Call them what you will -- redheads, gingers, carrot tops -- no matter what name you place on them, there is no denying there is a certain something about women with red hair. Whether natural or by choice, redheaded women attract attention everywhere they go. And in Hollywood, that often means up on the big screen. Let's take a look at some of Hollywood's hottest ginger stars...

Rachel Hurd-Wood

Fans of popular young actress Rachel Hurd-Wood had best enjoy her films while they can as she has indicated she does not plan to make a career of acting. Though at one time Rachel was interested in becoming a marine biologist, she has since decided that she would like to work with special needs children and is attending college with that goal in mind. She has stated, "My primary focus has always been on school. I wouldn't describe myself as an actor. I'd describe myself as a student."
The lovely lass gets her fiery ginger hair and pale complexion from her Irish father, Philip Hurd-Wood, an actor and noted voice-over artist. Her distinctive look has led to her being offered mainly roles in period pieces and she has expressed frustration with always playing "a corseted victim" (see top image). Her most recent roles, especially Tomorrow, When the War Began, finally seem to get her out of this type of role. Maybe some juicier parts will come along for Rachel and keep her interested in acting for a little while longer after all. 

Christina Hendricks

To be fair, Christina Hendricks is not a natural redhead. She is in fact blond, but has dyed her hair since she was only ten years old. She has always liked redheads such as Tina Louise who played Ginger Grant onGilligan's Island and has expressed a serious interest in assuming that role in the upcoming Gilligan's Island movie. She has even said she modeled herself after Ginger. With Christina's curvy figure, it is unlikely redhead fans mind that her crimson shade comes from a bottle!

Alicia Witt

Alicia Witt was discovered by David Lynch when she appeared on the 1980's television show, That's Incredible at the age of seven. He cast her in his movie,Dune, but she would then leave acting to concentrate on school and music. She was home schooled by her parents and graduated from high school at age 14. She also studied music during this time and became an accomplished classical pianist.
After Alicia finished school, David Lynch offered her a recurring role in his cult classic Twin Peaks series. From that point on she has worked constantly, appearing in everything from cheesy horror films (Urban Legend with Jared Leto) to mainstream comedy (Last Holiday starring Queen Latifah) to indie-flavored drama (American Girl starring Jena Malone). With plenty of upcoming projects, it looks like we will have plenty of this sexy, ginger vixen for years to come.

Alyson Hannigan

Alyson Hannigan's career really got started when she won the role of Willow Rosenberg on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, but it exploded once she scored the part of Michelle Flaherty in the American Pie film series. Since then, she has been constantly on the pop culture radar, even when Buffy ended as she quickly moved on to the successful How I Met Your Mother series. With her auburn tinged red locks an d captivating eyes, it is easy to see why she has held our attention so long! 

Isla Fisher

Isla Fisher was really first noticed by American audiences as the psycho sister in the comedy The Wedding Crashers where she pretty much stole the show. She then went on to success in films such as Wedding DazeHot Rod and Confessions of a Shopaholic. While her acting career has blossomed, she has also become a regular on all the "hot lists" such as Maxim magazine's Hot 100. Married to Sacha Baron Cohen (yes, that's right -- Borat), Isla is also mother to their two children, making her probably the hottest mom in Hollywood.

Gillian Anderson

As Special Agent Dana Scully on the mega-hit television show The X-Files, Gillian Anderson became widely known and broadly seen as one of the hottest women on television. Despite being always professionally dressed as a straight-arrow FBI agent in the show, there was no hiding Gillian's smoking good looks. Since the end of The X-Files, Gillian has made a number of film and television appearance but has avoided sci-fi roles that might appeal to The X-Files fans. Her part in How To Lose Friends and Alienate People was exceptionally entertaining, but most fans do not even seem to realize she was in the film. But this lack excitement will likely be replaced by tortured moans of joy if Gillian's participation in the zombie comedy The Curse of The Buxom Strumpet is confirmed.

Julianne Moore

Julianne Moore's ginger hair and good looks comes from her Scottish mother while perhaps her dedication to her craft and hard work likely come from her military father. Julianne's career began in the mid-80's with work on soap operas but soon she transitioned to small but memorable roles in films like The Hand That Rocks the Cradle and The Fugitive. From there she moved to co-starring roles in films like The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Boogie Nights.
While some might say Boogie Nights was her breakthrough role, this is not really accurate. Julianne achieved her stardom in a less flamboyant, more traditional way. She earned it, with most fans probably unable to remember what was the first film they saw her in. She just seemed to slip into the film-goers consciousness without making a splash. One day you just kind of realize how awesome she is and never look back. With a handful of upcoming roles, there will be plenty of opportunities to observe her awesomeness in the next couple of years!

Gates McFadden

Gates McFadden is certainly best known as Dr. Beverly Crusher on the Star Trek: The Next Generation television series and subsequent film series, but she has an impressive career in show business even aside from her Star Trek connection. She has worked as a muppeteer for the Jim Henson company and even choreographed the ballroom scene in the Jim Henson film Labyrinth. This is, of course, in addition to numerous television appearances including a recurring role on the popular Mad About You series. Sadly, Gates is not very active in the industry at this time, but maybe someday she will return either on the big screen or in a new television series to give her fans something to once again get excited about.

Amy Adams

Amy Adams is certainly a fine actress having been nominated three time for Golden Globe Awards, most recently for The Fighter in 2010 when she lost to her co-star Melissa Leo. Her list of nominations and wins include many other awards and critics generally agree we will only continue to see more great performances from this fine thespian. But the truth is Amy is so gorgeous that she would be quite successful even without her substantial acting ability. Her exuberant personality shines through in the roles she chooses making her a joy to watch, but even if she could be nothing more than eye candy, she would still be guaranteed a long and successful career. 

Jayma Mays

Jayma's star is currently rising thanks to her role on the hit television series Glee, but she has been catching the eye of ginger lovers for years in films like Red Eye,Epic Movie and Paul Blart: Mall Cop as well as her previous television role onHeroes. As if her gorgeous red hair were not enough to make this beauty stand out, she is also known for her captivating, huge brown eyes. She at times displays that deer-in-the-headlights innocence that makes appear quite vulnerable and delicate, but as she showed on the series Ugly Betty, she can use that same expression to give an aura of a desperate woman on the edge capable of almost anything to keep her man.

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