Why online businesses fail

Why do online businesses fail and How Medust can help

Now-a-days people are very much aware of getting business from online, but most of the people (specially in India) doesn’t know the importance of a website to bring the business or doesn’t know how to use website as a marketing tool to get business. Here at Medust, we pointed out some of the problems why people don’t know these things and how to overcome these problems. Today I am going to discuss about these points.
At first I am going to discuss some mindset or misconception of people about a business website what they own or going to make.
1.Website will generate business automatically
This is a common mindset of most the people if I made a website for my business, I will start getting business from my website overnight. But as the day goes they get to know that it is doing absolutely nothing for their business and become a fancy piece just to show. And when the day comes to renew the domain and hosting for the website, they eventually said that “No, I don’t need a website anymore for my business. It’s just a piece of shit”.
In this scenario, the client is right from his/her point of view, if something is not working or fit in into my business why am I supposed to spend my money on that. But think again, in this technological era people are running their business from home with starting a website or take some large companies like, Google, Flipkart, Amazon started their business from their website. So what is the difference between you and them? The only difference is these big companies using their website as a marketing tool of their business and they always evolving with time, technology and changing behavior of internet users.
2. People go for cheapest plans
This is another biggest problem ever specially in India, here most of the people go for the cheapest plans. They don’t understand what type of expertise is needed for the project and which technology is suitable for their project, but this is not the main problem that they don’t know, the main problem is that they also don’t want to know, they just want a cheapest plan for their project to be done. And here they trapped with some fraud company or some freelancer who have not so much of experience in developing but want to earn some extra bucks.
After all this the result is unsuccessful approach of online business. Now here we come with a solution for these problems and help those people who don’t understand technology very good but know the importance of internet market today and want to expand their business online.
Here at Medust, we have designed some plans and packages which is quite reasonable for every category of business and we will make them understand how to grab business from their website. For this we have blended some premium promotional services with website development package, so that clients can understand the importance of internet marketing and get benefited of it by getting business online.
We will provide premium ad on our advertising partner 9tonine for the businesses which is getting website from Medust. 9tonine is an advertising portal which is not so well known but it is running more than 2 years now and it has a great impact on internet users. Except this premium 9tonine ad we are also providing most well known services like google adwords and facebook advert for those business website for a great startup on the internet. These services will also help those who understand what SEO is but don’t want to wait for long to get some good response from internet.

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